Geometry, Making Math Accessible, Who Knows?
Download the Resource What’s geo-dotting? I have no clue but that’s what I’m calling this lesson. We started by asking, “What do you notice?” Our favorites: Looks like Pac-man I see dots and they make a “Y”...
Cheese Mover, Intellectual Need, Making Math Accessible, Teacher Content, Who Knows?
I’ve recently spent a lot of time visiting 3rd grade classrooms as they begin to dive into division. Here’s what I encountered on one of my first visits which was a crippler for everyone involved. Saw this today & was crushed. For the record…this...
Making Math Accessible, Math Tools, Modeling, Patient Problem Solving, SMPs, Strategy Development, Teaching in a Context, Who Knows?
If you listen carefully you will hear them. They sit motionless in every classroom, on top of desks, waiting to tell a story. Without the story they are nothing. What’s most difficult is that you can’t speak for them because the manipulatives speak...
Fractions, Making Math Accessible, Math Tools, Strategy Development, Teacher Content, Who Knows?
Last week I was reminded why I love being a teacher. I’m currently throwing down a PL gauntlet in my district for all our elementary and middle school teachers. For each grade level I’ve focused on 1 or 2 of the big ideas outlined within CCSS. In 3rd grade, I...
Cheese Mover, Intellectual Need, Making Math Accessible, Modeling, Planning, SMPs, Strategy Development, Teacher Content, Who Knows?
I received an email from a principal in my district last Tuesday: Please send me info on why teachers should be careful about teaching kids to pull out keywords from word problems as a key way to define what operation to use. I went to my Virtual Math Buddies (VMB)...