Making Math Accessible, Strategy Development, Teaching in a Context
I returned to the class where I sucked more than Maggie Simpson. I wrote about it here. The highlights from yesterday’s do-over: For the most part it went way better and the additional pieces I created to scaffold the lesson helped out. Some students...
Against the Norm, Making Math Accessible, Planning, Teaching in a Context
I taught a lesson on Tuesday and it sucked…Real bad! It sucked more than Maggie Simpson sucks her pacifier! I really felt for the 21 students, 4 teachers and the administrator who were observing. My face is still a little numb from how flat I fell on it! In my...
Making Math Accessible, Measurement and Data, Modeling, Patient Problem Solving, Teaching in a Context
I had the 2nd grade names and the information I needed, so I created this table and asked the students WDYN? Immediately students recognized the names of their 5 classmates and the perplexity session began! Lots of different ideas and “noticings” were...
3-Act Tasks, Patient Problem Solving, Teaching in a Context
I’ve stolen so many great ideas from the #mtbos and I have no idea what “teacher clothes” look like, but I know what educational awesomeness looks like…and it has inspired me over the past 2 years. If imitation is the sincerest form flattery,...
Strategy Development, Teaching in a Context
I posted about CGI a while back and Katherine Bryant asked if I’d take a sneak peek at the 2nd Edition of Children’s Mathematics (released next month)… and I’m so happy she did. After my 2nd go around I can’t help but think how CGI has changed me as...
3-Act Tasks, Patient Problem Solving, Teacher Content, Teaching in a Context
These are really exciting times to be a math educator in Georgia. In March, a group of K-12 educators came together to Be Less Helpful and create more Open Middle tasks. Over the past 3 months we hunkered down in front of our computers to revise existing tasks and...