I’ve stolen so many great ideas from the #mtbos and I have no idea what “teacher clothes” look like, but I know what educational awesomeness looks like…and it has inspired me over the past 2 years. If imitation is the sincerest form flattery, it is also the sincerest form of learning.
- Dan Meyer created the Water Tank, which inspired the Fish Tank for 5th grade.
- Andrew Stadel created Paper Cuts, which inspired Paper Cut for 3rd grade.
- I have shared Tina Cardone‘s Nix the Tricks with anyone and everyone that will listen.
- I have used Robert Kaplinsky’s How Old is the Shepherd in countless workshops. Of the current 10,208 views, half of them might be me.
And now I have shamelessly stolen from Fawn Nguyen. A while back she posted about letting her students own the problem through putt-putt. That post inspired my newest task which has been in the works since last May entitled For the Nguyen. CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.4.MD.C.6 measure angles in whole-number degrees using a protractor. Sketch angles of specified measure. Contexts and tasks for angle measurement in 4th grade suck. My hope is that kids won’t ask “when am I ever going to use this in real-life?” after they dive in.

Can you sink the #8-ball to win the game? Where would you hit it? If you hit a striped ball first you lose!
I finally just finished and posted it today. If you steal it and make it better please let me know how. Jennifer Bell posted this yesterday:
If I can inspire one teacher the way the educators in this tweet have inspired me, then I know I’m doing something right. Here was my reply:
Thanks Dan, Fawn, Andrew, Tina, Robert, Mike, Jenise, Joe and many of you in the#mtbos that have made me a better teacher. You allow me to steal (with proper attribution of course) and learn from you every week and for that I say… THANK YOU!
Thanks for the nod Graham.
Keep up the great work!
Very cool. Do you know there’s an activity in grade 4 Everyday Math (Unit 10) where kids use a transparent mirror to reflect pool balls into pockets. We’ve extended it to have the kids find the angles created by the caroms and by the intersections at the lines of reflection. Your 3-act will be a fantastic addition to this experience.
Thanks Mike,
Such a great compliment coming from you! My clothes have changed “a lot” in recent years but it’s because you allowed me in your closet! I think out of everyone, I have stole from you the most.
I really appreciate the feedback in terms of Act:2. I’ll definitely be sure to include that piece when I can make my way back to the pool table. I wish I had that thing in my basement but it’s not. The wife says there’s more things to buy which are higher up the list…Not sure I agree:-)
This is just like you pictured it in my brain. Can’t wait to try it out. I like the shot in act 2. Do you have any footage from above for the that and for act 3? I think the angles might be clearer for students.
The title is even better in print!
Oh, and your clothes have changed a lot since I first met you!