Question: If you memorize your basic math facts have you learned them?
The term from memory is used twice in the K-5 math standards, and they continue to be the most misunderstood words I encounter each day. The term “from memory” does not suggest that students mindlessly memorize their basic facts the way we were taught.
Here’s my first stab at an Ignite Talk explaining the difference between from memory and memorization that I recently shared with some teachers and administrators.
Here’s the link to the Prezi
You are very eye-opening! I appreciate the examples of strategies. Some of them are ones that I have been using with my students! 🙂
I am just seeing this for the first time. So powerful! I will use it my teachers. Thank you.
You made the difference very clear Graham! As a coach I would hate to hear teachers say, “We’ve worked on strategy, now they just need to memorize their facts.” Given time, students will commit the facts to memory through repeated use of a strategy. And I would say, more importantly, students will realize the relationship between numbers and apply that relationship to figure out unknown facts. Good stuff!!
This is fabulous! Thank you so much. I will share this!
Awesome and thanks Cynthia for spreading the love. The more people that become aware of the difference the better off we’ll all be in the end.